Dually identified students who are both ELLs and have documented disabilities are legally entitled to services under both classifications. However, in many contexts within K-12 education, from the classroom to school to district to state levels, Special Education and English Learner support are two separate, siloed systems. It is imperative that educators within each system understand ways to fully support dually-identified students and that these educators work together to create systems and supports. Educators need to understand where, how and why to integrate linguistically and culturally appropriate supports throughout the process of writing and executing IEPs. This presentation will cover considerations for evaluation of ELLs who are referred to special education, infusing language acquisition support throughout the sections of the IEP, and appropriate strategies for placement and implementation. Participants will analyze causes of disproportionate classification of ELLs, practice integrating language supports into measurable student goals, and compare program and placement options that support both classifications.